Forms (faculty/staff)

Please expect a delay in processing of enrollment and withdrawal requests. We are working to assist you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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Academic Record Action Reporting

Use of the academic record action reporting form is required to post a dismissal, probation, warning, reinstatement, etc. to a student record.

Change Ticket

Change Ticket

Use of the change ticket is required for: adding a course; dropping a course; adding one course and dropping another course; adding or dropping multiple courses; submitting a post-7th Friday petition to drop a course (but not withdraw from the University); adding a grading option of "R" or "P" to a course; and/or adding a grading option of "U".

Change Ticket for Retroactive Add

Note: When adding a course retroactively, you must complete and submit the grade assignment form (page 2 of the change ticket for retroactively adding a course form) along with the required change ticket.

Departmental Transfer Credit

This form should be used by Transfer Credit Coordinators only to provide a transfer credit evaluation. The University Registrar has the final authority in determining what credit is transferable, and any calculation of transferable hours. Students should not complete this form.

Departmental Transfer Credit Evaluation Form (to be filled out by Transfer Credit Coordinators only)


Use of the grade assignment or change forms are required for: changing a grade; reporting a missing grade; replacing an "EN" or NG" grade; assigning a final grade for an Incomplete (I) grade; changing the week a student stopped attending relative to an EN grade; and/or extending the incomplete deadline beyond the 7th Friday of next term.

  1. The online grade assignment or change form can only be used by those with "Post" access for that specific course. Third parties (such as department chairs, etc.) needing to submit a grade change should contact their department scheduling contact to request access to a course.
  2. Please allow 24 hours for grading permissions to be updated.
  3. Please see the Change Ticket for retroactively adding a course form if you are submitting a grade a late course add.

Graduate and Law Transfer Credit

Use of this form to provide a tentative transfer credit evaluation (departmental evaluation prior to course completion) is not a guarantee of how the transfer credit will be awarded. The University Registrar and Graduate and Professional Admissions have the final authority in determining what credit is transferable, and any calculation of transferable hours.

Graduate and Law Transfer Credit Evaluation Form (to be filled out by the Graduate School and College of Law only)

Staff Late Fee Waiver Request

Use of the staff late fee waiver request is required for: removal of late course add fee, late registration fee, late payment fee, or re-enrollment fee due to university error.

Term Withdrawal

Term Withdrawal policies are based on Faculty Rule 3335-8-32 (Withdrawal from Courses or from the university).

Form Requirements

A Term Withdrawal Form is not necessary unless date maintenance is required or if access for the student or advisor to drop the classes is no longer available. Dropping enrolled courses is all that is required to withdraw for the semester. Once all classes are dropped, the student will be withdrawn by a scheduled automated process. The student's account will then be reviewed by The Office of Student Financial Aid before a refund is issued.

Re-assessment of Student Fees

If a request for a retroactive change to an academic record is for a current or immediately preceding term (two if during an autumn term), the effective date for the academic record change will prompt a related re-assessment of the student's fees, and possibly financial aid, for that term. Terms prior will not be recalculated.

Testing Center

EM Credit Request

For students that pass an EM test proctored by the Testing Center or a department, an EM request form must be filled for the student, listing all EM credit earned and the score from their exam.

Exam Submission

Faculty may submit an Exam Submission form through our Exam Submission portal. Please fill out the necessary fields and visit our Exam Submission Instruction page for more information.

Exam Scoring Request

The Testing Center requires that all Exam Scoring requests are accompanied by an Exam Scoring Request Form. Please fill out all necessary fields, as well as ensure a Purchase Order has been submitted from your department to cover any costs. Information about the Testing Center's Exam Scoring procedures can be found on the Exam Scoring website.

Testing Center Alternative Request

The Testing Center offers an additional form that can be used in place of the Exam Submission form (in cases such as SLDS referrals). The instructor should fill out a request form for each student with a registration at the Testing Center. Instructions for how to submit these forms are included on the form.

Language Placement/Validation

For students that pass a language placement test proctored by a department member, a Language Placement Form must be completed and sent to the Testing Center. This form can also be used to submit a request to validate a student's world language requirement.