How to Dispute a Warning Letter in an Employee File

Filing a rebuttal to an unfair warning letter in your employment file is a way to present your version of the situation. This is helpful if the matter escalates and becomes a matter of termination or demotion. Identifying the aspects of the warning letter that you are disputing, then arguing your case clearly with documentation can allow you to mitigate the negative consequences of the warning letter.

Identify the Concern

Begin by looking carefully at your employee warning letter. In most cases, the warning letter will address a single issue or situation. For example, a warning letter might address attendance issues and state how many times an employee was out during a given time frame. Identify the exact complaint regarding your performance.

In this case, it might be that you were absent three times in the preceding quarter. Look at the rest of the letter to see if your boss has listed any mitigating factors regarding your performance. For example, if you were absent with a doctor's note, that should have been noted. Or your boss may have forgotten that you had requested sick, vacation, personal or funeral leave and received permission to take off the days in question.

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Gather Supporting Evidence

Refer to your records for evidence that disputes the concern outlined in the employee warning letter. Also review the company's employee handbook to understand their written warning procedure and appeal process. For example, if your employee handbook states you can have three absences a year, you could present that as evidence that you are not over your yearly limit.

Alternatively, if the employee handbook states that you can only be late or absent with a documented excuse and prior approval, you can state that your absence was for an avoidable or unforeseen reason. Now is a good time to present any unusual or mitigating circumstances. For example, you might show that you were called away on a family emergency or involved in an auto accident en route to work.

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Submit Compelling Documentation

Provide copies of documentation that supports your side of the issue described in the warning letter. For example, if you were absent due to illness, you can provide a copy of a doctor's note or proof that you saw a doctor that day. If you previously provided the documentation to your boss at the time of the absence, politely explain when, where and how your submitted the paperwork. Documents can easily get misfiled in a busy office.

If you did not have documentation at the time, see if you can obtain some type of supporting documentation now. In this example, you could contact your doctor or the emergency room and ask for a note as proof that you were seen. You may also want to meet with a union steward to discuss your rights if you belong to a labor union.

Arrange Meeting with Boss

Ask your boss in a low-key and respectful manner for an opportunity to meet and discuss the letter. When presenting your side of things, speak clearly, concisely and unemotionally. You might be upset about the employee warning letter, but responding with anger or frustration will not help your case, nor will overt criticism of the toxic boss who wrote the unjust reprimand. Careful, courteous language will encourage your boss and other members of your company to see you as a professional. Your boss may offer to remove the letter if you are persuasive.

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Appeal Unfair Warning Letter

If an informal resolution is not reached, you may wish to consider submitting a rebuttal letter as part of a formal appeal or grievance process. The impact of an unfair warning letter can be far-reaching. Inaccurate statements about your performance or character may damage your reputation within the organization and hurt your chances for promotion or a merit pay increase.
