Official University Policies

A comprehensive list of TIU policies can be found on myTIU.

Academic Integrity

The community at Trinity International University promotes a commitment to integrity in all areas of life. Academic integrity is essential in the search for and promotion of truth. This pursuit of truth, while being an important goal in itself, is integral to other essential beliefs foundational to the Trinity community.

Therefore, plagiarism and cheating in any form will not be condoned within the Trinity community. Plagiarism, whether intentional or indirect, gives the impression that the words or ideas in a person’s writings are one’s own, whereas in reality they are taken from someone else’s written or oral presentation(s), even when a reference to the original source is made in footnotes or bibliography. Cheating is an expression of fraud and deception, as students give the impression of doing better on assignments, quizzes or exams than they deserve.

Plagiarism and cheating have a negative effect on the Trinity community in that they do not promote truth, they break the relationship of trust, they do not encourage the individual to develop his or her creative talents, and they erode the moral fiber so vital in an academic community. For a further description, see the Student Handbook.

Any student who breaks the standard of academic integrity by cheating or plagiarism will be dealt with severely by the faculty and staff and will be reported to the Dean of Students. The result may be failure of the course, expulsion from the institution, or a revocation of a degree already granted by Trinity.

Acceptable Use Policy Summary for Technology and Telecommunication Systems

The following summarizes major points contained in the Acceptable Use Policy. Students are responsible for abiding by the complete text contained within the “Terms and Conditions for University Technology and Telecommunications Systems—Acceptable Use Policy.” For the complete text, please visit MyTIU> Administrative Resources>University Policies. This policy supersedes all other policies and applies to all individuals with respect to the acceptable use of university networks, phone systems, computer systems, and technology.

The university network and systems are to be used primarily for activities related to the educational mission of the university. Personal use of the network is limited to e-mail and browsing web pages, providing such use complies with these terms and conditions and does not, at the university’s discretion, utilize excessive capacity of resources, or in the case of employees, interfere with the employee’s work. For any other personal use, written approval is required from the Student Life Office.

Computer login and phone PIN (Personal Identification Number) account holders are responsible for any activity originating from their accounts. Your computer and account may be used for:

Official notifications made by university offices are increasingly made using e-mail, rather than by paper memos sent through the university mail services. E-mail used for such notifications will be delivered to the recipient’s university e-mail account. Employees and students are expected to read their university e-mail and are strongly encouraged to use their university e-mail accounts for all communication within the university to ensure reliable and secure delivery.

University personnel can and will access files when necessary for maintaining the university network and computer systems. Every effort will be made to respect the privacy of user files, and the contents of user files will be examined only when it is required by law or by the policies of the university.

Individuals may not use university computers, networks, system resources, and phones

Additionally, individuals may not use university computers, networks, and system resources

Auxiliary Aids and Services for Students with Disabilities

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Trinity International University to provide effective auxiliary aids, services, and academic adjustments to qualified students with disabilities. The Associate Dean of Students assists students with disabilities in obtaining auxiliary aids and services and in consultation with the faculty member(s) involved assists students with disabilities by making academic adjustments. Academic adjustments are determined on a case-by-case basis and are subject to review by the Dean.

It is the policy of the Trinity International University as outlined by the ADA to require from the students supporting diagnostic test results and professional prescriptions for auxiliary aids and services, particularly for those students with hidden disabilities. Documentation for medical/physical disabilities may be satisfied by a physician’s statement that includes, but is not limited to, description of the disability and the limitations it poses for the student. Documentation for hidden disabilities, such as specific learning disabilities, poor hearing, or impaired vision, may include the results of medical, psychological, or emotional diagnostic tests, or other professional evaluations to verify the need for auxiliary aids, services, or academic adjustments.

For students with specific learning disabilities, the following requirements apply for documentation to be considered reasonable documentation:

Students with disabilities who believe that their request for auxiliary aids, services, or academic adjustments have not been appropriately addressed by the ADA Coordinator, should direct their concerns to the Vice President for Student Life or, in his or her absence, to the Provost.

Copyright Policy

The Copyright Permissions Act of 1976 as it may have been or will be amended from time to time requires that permission to reproduce copyrighted materials be obtained from the copyright owner except under very limited circumstances. Faculty, staff, and students of Trinity are expected to comply with the provisions of the state and federal intellectual property laws, such as the Copyright Act. Procedures for obtaining copyright permissions for course materials have been established and should be followed. Copies of this procedure and other information explaining the Copyright Permissions Act as it pertains to copying both course materials and material for personal use are available through the Dean’s Office.

Drug-free Environment

Trinity is committed to the maintenance of a drug-free environment. We believe that the implementation of a drug-free environment is for the protection of students and employees of Trinity, and we have established the following policy designed to maintain such an atmosphere:

  1. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited on the campus in general.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

The purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-380) is to ensure access to educational records for students and parents while protecting privacy of such records and to control the careless release of educational information.

In accordance with requirements established by the Act also commonly known as the “Buckley Amendment,” Trinity International University hereby provides notice of intention to comply fully with the Act and also provides notice to students of their rights under the Act.

In general, the purpose of the Act is to give presently or formerly enrolled students access to their individual educational records maintained at Trinity and to protect such students’ right to privacy by limiting the transfer of their records without their consent. “Educational records” are defined as those records, files, documents, and other materials directly related to a student that are maintained by Trinity, or by a person acting for Trinity, in the normal course of business. The Records Office has a full copy of the Act should you desire to review it in full.

The Act clarifies that an institution is not required to grant access to students to certain materials, including the following:

Private notes and other materials created by Trinity’s personnel, provided they are not revealed to another individual.

It should also be noted that the Act specifically indicates that the legislation does not alter the confidentiality of communications otherwise protected by law. To ensure that the school does not compromise the rights of individuals enjoyed prior to the enactment of the legislation, students and alumni will not be permitted access to materials of an evaluative nature that were received or placed in files prior to November 19, 1974.

Additionally, as provided by the Act, students shall not have the right to see confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in educational records prior to January 1, 1975, provided that they are used only for the purposes for which they were intended. The Act further stipulates that students do not have the right to see financial records of their parents.

As provided by the legislation, students may voluntarily waive their rights of access to confidential recommendations on or after January 1, 1975, in three areas: admissions, job placement, and receipt of awards. Under no circumstances, however, can a student be required to waive this right.

The legislation also makes clear that the parent or legal guardian of a dependent student, as defined for federal Income Tax purposes, has a right to information about his or her child without the school’s having to seek the student’s consent. Thus, upon the written request of a parent or legal guardian of a dependent student, the school will honor this right to the extent that it is required by law.

As provided by the Act, the school retains the right to publish at its discretion the following categories of information with respect to each student presently or previously attending the school: the student's name, address, telephone listing, e-mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, grade level, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time), dates of attendance, participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, honors and awards received; and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. Students have a right to inform the school within a reasonable period of time that any or all of this so-called "directory information" should not be released without their prior consent. Requests by the student to suppress from public distribution the above mentioned information are to be made annually.

As required by the Act, the school hereby provides public notice of its intention to publish this type of information in the annual directory.

In complying with the legislation, the school has adopted the procedures and policies below, in addition to those noted on the previous page:

  1. Except for those parties stated below, no one shall have access to education records without the written consent of the student concerned. The exceptions to the consent requirement are as follows:
    1. Other university officials, including faculty, who have legitimate educational interests
    2. Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student intends to enroll, upon condition that the student is notified of the transfer, receives a copy of the record if desired, and has an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record
    3. Those representatives of the federal government and the state who are identified in the “Act,” provided that any data so released are not to include information (including social security numbers) that would permit the personal identification of the students unless otherwise specifically provided by federal law
    4. Those who serve in connection with the student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid
    5. State and local officials or authorities to which such information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute adopted prior to November 19, 1974
    6. Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations, and such information will be destroyed when no longer required for the purpose for which it is conducted
    7. Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions, or by the dean of students or the emergency dean, designated to act in an emergency to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons
    8. To parents of a dependent student as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code
    9. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, subject to the notice provisions of the law
    10. In connection with a health or safety emergency
    11. Information that has been designated as “directory information”
    12. To the parent of a student who is not an eligible student or to the student
    13. To an alleged victim of any crime of evidence, as that term is defined in Section 16 of Title 18, United States Code, of the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by an institution of postsecondary education against the alleged perpetrator of that crime with respect to that crime

    Each Trinity department has the ultimate responsibility for establishing appropriate procedures; however, each Trinity department has been instructed to ask that the student’s request be made in writing and, where appropriate, in person. On request, students may be required to identify themselves in filing a request prior to having access to their records. The student is obligated to examine the record during reasonable hours at the place the record is maintained and not to interfere with the operation of the office in which the record is being maintained. Under the Act, the school has forty-five days from the time of request until it must comply with the request.

    Copies of records accessible to students shall be transmitted to the student upon payment of the established fee for issuing such copies. The Act does not preclude the school’s right to destroy any records if not otherwise precluded by law, unless prior to destruction the student has requested access. In fact, there is general encouragement to reduce the number of records so that destruction of records is consistent with the spirit of the law.

    **Notice** As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records — including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities ("Federal and State Authorities") may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is "principally engaged in the provision of education," such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

    Firearms, Weapons, and Explosives

    Possession of firearms, weapons, or explosives on campus is not permitted. Students who are found in possession of any type of firearm, weapon, or explosive are subject to immediate dismissal from the institution. This includes, but is not limited to, BB guns, paint ball guns, air-soft pellet guns, bows and arrows, ammunition, sling blades of more than four inches (excluding cutlery manufactured for cooking purposes for apartment residents), toy guns, and any other weapon of any kind or imitation thereof that could be used to cause fear or injury to another person.

    Grievance Procedure for Discriminatory and Sexual Harassment Complaints

    It is the policy of Trinity International University not to discriminate on the basis of age, disability, color, national origin, race, or sex in student admission and recruitment, educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment, and school-administered programs in accordance with applicable laws. It is Trinity’s intent to comply with both the letter and the spirit of Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, of Section SOL of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and of all equal opportunity laws and regulations. In compliance with these provisions, we have established a set grievance procedure to be followed should a discriminatory or harassment situation occur. The Student Life Office has available for all students a written copy of the official grievance procedures to be followed and will be glad to assist students having questions or concerns regarding such matters.

    Human Rights in Research

    Trinity is concerned with the moral responsibilities involved in the rights and welfare of human subjects in all research, class projects and related activities. This concern includes the protection of rights to privacy, the need for informed consent, protection of confidential data, and protection against physical, psychological, spiritual, social and legal risks. The safe-guarding and confidentiality of records and data collected on individuals and groups, the use of such data by the investigator conducting the original research or by other investigators, and the use of the data at a later time are all within the scope of this policy.

    To protect the rights of all human subjects in research carried out by Trinity faculty, staff, and students and to meet the standards required by governmental agencies, the institution has developed a Human Rights in Research policy and protocol that must be followed in conducting all research. Program handbooks contain the policy and procedures used for implementation.

    Immunization Requirements

    These requirements are designed to prevent the introduction and spread of vaccine-preventable diseases on our campus and the surrounding community. For more information regarding immunizations, contact the Health Services Office or go to Health Services on MyTIU.

    Posters and Notices

    Students are permitted to post items (notices, advertisements, etc.) in designated locations on campus only if the posted item receives an approval stamp. To get an item approved for posting on the graduate side of campus, contact the Student Life Office.

    Referenda and Petitions

    Students wishing to initiate petitions or referenda are to work with the Dean of Students and the Student Government Association. All referenda and petitions must be submitted to the Dean of Students and approved by the University Leadership Team before being distributed or circulated. All items posted on campus by student must be approved and stamped by the Student Life Office.


    No soliciting is permitted on campus and violations of this should be reported to the Dean of Students.

    Student Loan Program Code of Conduct

    Trinity International University (TIU) has adopted a Code of Conduct, in compliance with sec 487(a) (25) of the HEA of 1985.

    The goal of the TIU Office of Student Financial Services is to provide the highest quality service in the most efficient and timely manner possible, while upholding the mission of the institution, and acting in a matter with the integrity of a Christian institution. We willingly adhere to the following “Code of Conduct.” All officers, employees and agents of Trinity International University willingly agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

    TIU embraces a ban on the employees of the university receiving gifts from a lender, guaranty agency or loan servicer. No officer or employee of the TIU Office of Student Financial Services, (or an employee or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to educational loans) will solicit or accept any gift from a lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans. A “gift” is defined as any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item having monetary value of more than a de minimus amount. However, a gift does not include

    TIU embraces a ban on contracting agreements. No officer or employee of the university (or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans) will accept from a lender, or an affiliate of any lender, any fee, payment, or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.

    TIU embraces a prohibition against steering borrowers to particular lenders or the delay of loan certifications. For the first time borrower, TIU will not assign, through the award packaging or other methods, the borrower’s loan to a particular lender. In addition, TIU will not refuse to certify, or delay the certification, of any loan based on the borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency.

    TIU embraces a prohibition on offers of funds for private loans. TIU will not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds for private loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for providing concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of Title IV loans made, insured, or guaranteed, a specific loan volume, or a preferred lender arrangement. An “opportunity pool loan” is defined as a private education loan made by a lender to a student (or the student’s family) that involves a payment by the institution to the lender for extending credit to the student.

    TIU bans the use of staffing assistance from lenders. TIU will not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or Office of Student Financial Services staffing, except that provided by a lender that involves professional development training, educational counseling materials (as long as the materials identify the lender that assisted in preparing the materials), or staffing services on a short-term, nonrecurring basis during emergencies or disasters.

    TIU adopts a ban on advisory board compensation. An employee of TIU who serves on an advisory board, commission, or group established by a lender or guarantor (or a group of lenders or guarantors) is prohibited from receiving anything of value from the lender, guarantor, or group, except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by the employee for serving on the board.

    Title II Information

    For Title II information, you may access the TIU website’s consumer information section. ( under the Teacher Preparation Program Report – Title II.


    By operating a vehicle on university property you are subject to all state and TIU motor vehicle regulations. All vehicles must check in with security or have a current TIU parking permit. Passes, permits and a copy of the rules and regulations may be obtained at the Gate House located by the Route 22 entrance.

    VA Benefits

    In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not

    However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to