Family Law Manitoba is your source for information and support.

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In Manitoba, there are legal measures under The Domestic Violence and Stalking Act to help protect you from domestic violence or stalking.

I need immediate protection. What do I do?

If you are in urgent need of protection for yourself and/or your children, you may apply for a Protection Order at a designated court location. A Protection Order is one tool that can be used as part of a safety plan.

A Protection Order is a legal document, and once it is issued, if the respondent (alleged user of violence or stalker) is not following the conditions, they can be arrested by the police.

How do I apply for a Protection Order?

A Protection Order can be obtained quickly and without cost to the applicant. It is made without notice to the respondent.

Applications can be made in person. Applications can also be made by telephone, internet, e-mail or fax, with the help of a police officer, a lawyer or a person who has been specially trained and has been designated by the Minister of Justice to assist with Protection Order applications (known as Protection Order designates or PODs).

An adult can apply for a Protection Order on behalf of a child and a court-appointed committee or substitute decision maker can apply on behalf of someone who is not mentally competent, if the court has granted this authority. Anyone applying will have to provide evidence under oath about the stalking or domestic violence.

Protection Orders may include any of the following provisions necessary for the applicant’s protection: