MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Database Tables

The following description contains a list of all database tables sorted by components.

Follow a link to go to the corresponding field descriptions of these database tables.

A description including every part of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database structure are available in the documentation OscarSchema. This file with a description for your current project can be created with the oscar command "oscar databaseShema.fgl". The command must be invoked from the directory ..\work, where also the generated files "oscarSchema.html" and "oscar Schema.xml" will be stored.

applCommon (Application)

cust (Customer)

Database tables of the component "Customer" ( cust )

dev (Device)

Database tables of the component "Device" ( dev )

emp (Operator)

Database tables of the component "Operator" ( emp )

fgl (4 GL )

Database tables of the component "4 GL" ( fgl )

fsm (Finite State Machine )

goods (Item)

Database tables of the component "Item" ( goods )

isamDb (ISAM)

Database tables of the component "ISAM" ( isamDb)

kasse (POS Program)

Database tables of the component "POS Program" ( kasse )

misc (Misc.)

Database tables of the component "Misc." ( misc )

net (Network)

Database tables of the component "Network" ( net )

obj (Objects)

Database tables of the component "Objects" ( obj )

org (Organisation)

Database tables of the component "Organisation" ( org )

sales (Sales)

Database tables of the component "Sales" ( sales )

spec (Special )

Database tables of the component "Special " ( spec )

stock (Stock )

Database tables of the component "Stock" ( stock )

supp (Supplier)

Database tables of the component "Supplier" ( supp )

sysCommon (System)

Database tables of the component "System" ( sysCommon )

ui (User Interface)

Database tables of the component "User Interface" ( ui )

statistic (Statistic Turnover)

Database tables of the component "Statistical Data"